Sunday, January 23, 2011


My mom only had one eye.

 I hated her …. She was such an
She cooked for students & teachers to suppore the Family.
There was this one day during

elementary school were my

 came to say hello to me.
I was so embarrassed.
How could she do this to me??
I ignored her, threw her hateful look and run out.
The next day at school one of my classmates said
EEEEE, your mom only has one eye.
I wanted to bury myself.
I also wanted my mom to just disappear.
So I confronted her that day and said “if you’re going to make me
 a laughing stock, why do not you just die???
My mom did not respond
I did not even stop to think for a second about what I had said
because I was full of anger.
I was oblivious to her feelings.
I wanted out of that house.
So I studied real hard, got a chance to go to Singapore to study.
Then, I got married. I bought a house of my own.
I had kids of my own. I was happy with my life.
Then, one day my mother came to visit me, she hadn’t seen me
since years and she hadn’t even her grandchildren.
When she stood by the door, my children laugher at her.
I screamed at her, how dare you come to my house and scare my
And to this, my mother quietly answered “oh I’m so sort. I may
 have gotten the wrong address “. And she disappeared out of
One day, letter regarding a school reunion come to my house.
So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip… After the
reunion, I went to the old shack just out of curiosity.
My neighbors said that she died ……
I did not shed a single tear….
They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have….
“My dearest son, I think of you all the time…I’m sorry that I came
to Singapore and scared your children.
I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion
But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you
I’m sorry that I a constant embarrassment to you when you were
growing up
You see…….when you were very little, you got an accident, and
lost your eye...
As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching you having to grow up
with one eye...
So…. I give you mine…
I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for
me, in my place with that eye”.

THE PROPHET (sall- Allahu Allayhi Wassallam)
Told us that we must obey Allah and his messenger at all times 
 but after that comes your mother thin your mother thin your
 mother thin your father
Thanks Allah we are Muslims

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy new year

 Wishing You & Your Family
A Happy & Prosperous
New Year -   2011  

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

If you could be.............

Ifyou could be anothe man or woman for a day, who would you choose and why ? How would you spend the day?
If I could be another woman for a day , I would choose Opera . Because she is
the most famous announcer of American and global and ranked among the strongest in ten women in the world impact on human
I would spend the day in :
*Help poor children 
*Visit all U.S. states
*Recognize the culture of other peoples 

If you were asked to speak at your CBFS graduating ceremony, what would you say in your speech? 

I am happy that I am writing this brief word to the students of Banking and Financial Studies, one of the largest colleges in terms of the number of students and colleges more developed and sophisticated. The College
Professional academic institution specializing in the field of academic programs and professional and business research and consulting.
Founded in 1983 and was then under the name of the Institute of Banking in Oman.
In 1998 the Institute was on a date with a new change in its name and functions as change the name of the Institute of Banking Institute of Oman to the Institute of Banking and Financial Studies
In the twenty-eighth of January 2004 has been modified to be the name of the Institute (College of Banking and Financial Studies) instead of the Institute for Banking and Financial Studies  
 The college offers a certificate of legal and accounting diploma in accounting and internal audit and Banking Studies and Administrative Studies, insurance, and Higher National Diploma in management and human resources, management, and shopping, Computers and Business Information Systems and Software Engineering also offers degrees in Banking and Financial Studies and Accounting and Finance and Masters in Business Administration.
And in this context I am pleased to thank the university administration for their support and continued support of the College, and for faculty and administrative faculty on their giving and generous dedication in the service of science and knowledge, and the students and college students, past and present on the choice of this college
At last the great support received by the College of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said will, God willing, college within the college outstanding performance and paper quality programs and teachers and technicians and students.
I ask God Almighty to guide us as we aspire and to guide our steps and give us the level of responsibility and the expectations of those who put trust in us to serve the science and knowledge and to serve this country safe is reassuring.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

what woud you do if you could change the world ?

Sure every body understand that is almost impossible to change this word ,at least, with the efforts of one or afew people . But if i could change the world ,I would change it by doing meny something ....

First of all,I would stop child exploitation .because the chilrem do not have astrong body. inaddition, some businessmen hire thire poor children since they do not expect alot of money .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Personal Information

My name is jabal riyam . I'm frome al dakelia region . I'm astudent in acollege of banking and financial studies . I like red and green coler . My favourit place is spain ..Because it is a beautiful country and people are helpful and nice. In addition to piece
 my favorite team there
 .in the future i want to be
 a businesswamen because i like comunicate with different people.and  different country 

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Cabital City Of Oman

Muscat is the cabital city of oman . it is abeautiful city to enjoy whith your frinds . The weather issome times good . There are alot of histarical places in muscat

I want to tell you the steps to come to Muscat . First, try to find mor information about Muscat . If you dont have abook about Muscat ,you can read mor information in the internet . It will help you to know every thing about muscat . Next, get avisa to come to oman . Then, buy atickat. After that , arrange ahotel in the city . there are alot of hotels in Muscat such as AL Bustan 14hotel , Enter Contenantal hotel, and Radeson Blue hotel . Iadvise you to book AL Bustan hotel because it is very huge and it has agood servises .Dont forget to bring alot of money because it is very expensive country .Moreover , bring light clothes because it is hot city . Bing your camera to take some photos. 

Ihope you enjoy in oman and dont forget take souvenir from this city

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What Good Morning Means%

I've never seen this one before...I really like it! 


When I say good morning I mean to say: 

ffers us His 
evotion to 

ake us 
bedient & 
eady for a 
ew day with Him. 
nspire others please, and 
ever forget 
od loves you!